
Setting Boundaries As A Model

August 25, 2022

By alexaphelece

If you want to feel aligned with the magic that is you – or be a part of the modeling industry you have to protect yourself! If you’re not actively protecting your mental health and well being it will naturally decline. This remains true for all hardworking women whether you pursue modeling, motherhood, or any other life pursuit. Setting boundaries is important for all of us and this creation requires some skill.

Setting Boundaries increases your self-worth and value as a model

Honey, protecting your mind, body, and beautiful spirit is your full time job in addition to any other goals you hope to accomplish. If you’re like me, you’re constantly raising the bar and saying yes to everything you think will bring you joy but in the end our mental health and boundaries suffer. Boundary creation and implementation is something that needs to be maintained and managed by ourselves on a moment to moment basis. You can aspire to have a full time assistant, security guard, personal driver, a personal chef, or an athletic trainer but you and only you can protect your spirit. You’re a boss ass babe, I get it and the fast paced life was meant for you but in the modeling industry or any other industry, your mental health is not a priority for others.
Today I want to share some tips that supported me in my hustle when becoming a successful model and business woman. These tips will help you better self-love and aid in creating your own boundaries that feel great. If you do not actively set and enforce your boundaries your mental health and well-being are in jeopardy!
Tip #1: Hold strong to your self-worth & value by setting boundaries
(or define your worth if you haven’t gotten clear on this yet.)
You know we freaking love a good journal diary moment! Pull out your notepad, writing journal, or your phone and answer this question: What am I worth?…
Damn. This is a question that will open your mind and heart to SO MUCH ABUNDANCE! As a model, and as well as a self-loving and aware human being, I have to constantly ask myself, “Do I feel fairly compensated energetically in my personal and professional relationships?”

Getting clear on your self-worth is a great compass for navigating the chaotic world of modeling. A lot will be asked of you and you need to make sure that it aligns with you throughout your journey. Be so freaking clear on your capabilities, your boundaries, and what it is YOU need to be successful. You know best!

Protect your energy, don’t overwork (don’t be a yes girl). Take your time assessing opportunities as they come and ask yourself, “do I feel valued?”
Now is the best time to get clear on what it will take for you to feel highly valued and honor your worth. Within my non profit, “Every Body Deserves Love”, we have a youth program and we define self-worth, as the deep understanding of one’s own abundance or worth as a person. Never lose sight of your worth babes.

Tip #2: Invest in tools to build your confidence!!!!

(Knowledge is power!)
Boundaries are more easily recognized when someone reflects confidence in what they are doing and how they feel. You should be confident in your entire being! There are lots of people who have done what you do. Learn from them. Buy their products and learn from their experience so you can feel unquestionably confident in your work as a model, your skill set, and of course as a person. Absorb the wisdom from those who came before you. When you feel good about your self-worth, you have self-confidence in your ability to do a good job. A brand’s time is just as valuable as your own. If you are confident in the job you are doing this will lead to very good references.
When I began my modeling journey, I researched all I could! I took the time to invest in programs and courses to better my understanding of the industry I was getting into. The more I learned the more comfortable and overall confident I became. So put in that work! Watch videos, read blogs (like mine!), and enroll in a course or two. Look out for my modeling guidebook and Modeling course coming soon! (Sign up here) You can never learn too much in regards to something you wish to master.
Tip #3: Throw away garbage feedback
Some opinions will be so worthless…

Other models can be catty, rude, and jealous. All those low frequency vibrations need to be discarded. If they aren’t constructive then out it goes. You are your greatest cheerleader hun. Let those passive aggressive remarks and judgmental stares roll right off of you, like rain rolls off a rain jacket.
Also do not heed the negativity brought on by Social Media and Internet Trolls.

I myself grew up exposed to bullying at a young age and throughout my adolescence. Therefore I was not surprised at the reaction from trolls as I started my career in the modeling industry and when I began to gain some real traction in that space.
Bully’s will always exist and there are many in the industry. Be prepared. Do not take it personally.
Tip #4: Get clear on who are colleagues and who are friends

This tip is a great form of honoring your intuition and powers of discernment. Understand that there are definitely friendly work relationships but that does not equate to friendship. I have talked to other models about ways I have been treated unfairly and they have betrayed my trust. The only loyalty you have is to the brand that is paying you; most people have that mindset. Have your business hat on. You can be kind and professional without investing more of your energy and time when having exchanges with your peers.

Just like in your normal everyday settings, you set boundaries with others and gauge how they treat you and others. It is no different in the modeling business. Let people show you who they are naturally and make sure you believe them! Do not get caught up in pettiness or others attitudes towards one another. Remain as neutral as possible.
Let’s get started with a quick writing exercise!
Grab a piece of paper and list your colleagues. Using your intuition jot down next to each name whether you genuinely consider them a colleague, or a friend. Furthermore, draw from this exercise mentally whenever on the job. Sharpening your intuition more and more each time.
Tip #5: Have fun

Repeat after me,” I am here to offer representation, inclusivity and diversity to customers. I want customers to see the fun and purpose in the garments and campaigns I do. I am not here to solve problems or a crisis!”
Remember as models our uniqueness is important. Protect your mental health. Ignore anyone’s comments about your uniqueness. Your uniqueness is a virtue. People often pick a model for what sets them apart, not just their beauty. (minus fit models)
People will have opinions, comments, they will look and judge. Pay it no attention instead implement the tools that will help aid how to improve your own career. Do this and every experience will be enjoyable amidst the learning curves. Who says learning can’t be fun! Its all about your mindset baby and hopefully with these five tips I have shared with you today you can cultivate the kind of experiences and career you want within the Modeling Industry.
Share this blog on Setting Boundaries to any of your friends who you feel will benefit.

If you know a woman that isn’t doing the best job in protecting her mental health in her workplace or in any areas of her life – share this blog babe. The tips I shared today can be applied to anyone struggling with setting boundaries PERIOD! Too often we feel alone…. And we are not! Whatever you think you are feeling or going through, above all there is another babe out there battling the same demons. We as women all share these struggles with boundaries that impact our self-love, success, and confidence. You can still have fun at your job or within any area of your life even when upholding your boundaries. You got this Superstar! Now go forth and establish those boundaries!

XX Alexa

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