Welcome back my busy, thriving, babes! I hope the start of summer finds you pursuing your passions, booking those auditions, and meeting those personal goals! Today I wanted to offer you some advice and direction as a fellow Model and Entrepreneur. Let’s talk INVOICES! Yes, yes I know it’s not the most exciting topic or aspect of being your own Boss but it has to be done and let me tell ya… I wish I would have had some help creating an invoice for modeling and guidance when I was starting out. So let me do that for you now!
Stay tuned for Part 2 where we discuss expenses, taxes and marketing.
Before we dive right in however I want you to ask yourself the following questions:
These are very important questions to ask yourself. As an entrepreneur, self managed model, and business owner I had to not only set these systems up for myself but sit and think about what would be the most beneficial way of keeping track of my various streams of income, clients and expenses. I highly suggest you do the same, even if you have assistance from someone else.
Below are four simple steps to get started on a weekly flow. This will help organize and create a modeling invoice system of your own.
Step 1: The Business of Modeling, Creating a Professional Appearance
If you have or wish to build up to having an assistant they may oversee this but Clients DO NOT need to know who manages the inbox.
Step 2: Use an Accounting Software Service
Step 3: Organizing Invoices
Note: that when you work through an agency they will provide you with your own invoice book (receipt book) as well as a completed invoice for your records. If you are self-managed, then you must invoice your Client. I do it via email or through a digital medium.
Step 4: Get Paid!
There you have it! A quick invoice workflow to help you set up a money management system of your own. Before I send you off to make those money moves I did want to leave you with some fun facts to help those of you entering or working within the Modeling industry.
Errors or Voids happen. Incorrect invoices should be marked and recorded in your records. Email your revised invoices to your Client or agency.
Note: Some Clients prefer to have the invoice within the body of the email you send.
Track Your Pay. Even if you have an agency it is not up to them to track your pay. It is up to you! Track your amount of pay after you have deducted what your agent gets. Check those totals.
Sometimes invoices can be quite complex. Make additional notes within your quickbooks, spreadsheets, or whatever applications you use for your records.
Have a cancellation policy in place. Time is money honey! I require 24hrs. notice otherwise the original agreed hrs. and pay stand.
In conclusion of creating your modeling invoice.
I really hope that today’s introduction into creating invoice for modeling aids you in setting up, organizing, or just finding what works best for you money management wise. Not a lot of people talk about this side of working for yourself unfortunately and it’s about damn time we have these discussions and share this information!
In Part 2 we will discuss expenses, taxes and marketing.
XX Alexa