Confidence, gratitude, Visualization

The Power of Gratitude.

November 10, 2022

By alexaphelece

Show Gratitude In Honor of World Kindness Day

Hello loves, and welcome to the Holiday season lol!!!!  The holidays are approaching fast and with them comes busy days and nights, of work, shopping, family events and more! But, before we tackle all the upcoming Holidays bring, let’s not forget to take the time to cultivate some gratitude for the things we have, for ourselves, and others. Let us be kind and there is no better way to start than by celebrating World kindness day!  

November 13th is World Kindness day.  

The purpose of this day is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together. This understanding has the power to bridge the gap between nations. In order to be kind to others, we must start with ourselves first. If we are not kind to ourselves how can we even begin to show kindness to others. Here are some ways to cultivate more kindness for yourself as well as others: 

  1. Set aside a daily self-care practice for yourself 
    (whether yoga, journaling, or taking the time to make yourself a delicious home cooked meal or treat!)
  1. Practice positive self-talk
    (We can all do with more positive talk to ourselves. Say loving and kind things to yourself when you look in the mirror, are attempting something new or challenging, or just plain ol’ because!)

Gratitude and Compassion Builds Community

  1. Write yourself or someone else a letter of Gratitude! 
    (This is a lovely practice and a personal favorite of mine. Below is a little break down)
  • Begin by taking a moment to pause and reflect on who you’re writing to. 
  • Who are they? What do/did they do and what impact does/did it have on you? Just spend a minute or two on this part, then put your pen to paper or your fingers to keys.
  • Write. Start with a greeting and then dive in. Tell them that you are thinking of them and all of the beautiful ways they impacted your life. It is okay to make mistakes. 
  • Get all of your feelings out without judging yourself. Write a few paragraphs until you feel that you’ve been able to portray your emotions accurately. 
  • Now share that letter! 
  1. Get out and Volunteer! What better way to show gratitude to others and take all the kindness and love you are showing yourself and use it as a catalyst for good. Personally, my work through my nonprofit Every Body Deserves Love (EBDL) brings me so much fulfillment. It is so impactful to share and exchange kind words and actions with those who need it the most. From our youth to the elderly, so many struggle with mental health and finding the proper resources and community to support them. EBDL does just that and more! Head on over to the EBDL website and sign up to volunteer at our next event or feel free to donate to our youth program! 

Those are just a few ways you can bring more kindness into your life and into the world this World Kindness Day. Share in the comment section below which of my suggestions you will be trying out and how it goes for you. Let’s spread that kindness around together!

XX Alexa  

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