Spring is in full swing my Self-Love Warriors! This time of year is filled with so much growth and renewal all around us. From the blossoming flowers to leaves shaking off the darkness of winter and brimming with beautiful green hues, we too are at a place of renewed spirit and consciousness. There is no better time than now as we await the warmth of summer then to be practice Self-Love at the Beach!
When I first began my blogs, I invited you all to join me in the endless and bountiful journey that is practicing Self-Love. From sharing my own personal journey and tips to giving out my threebies in order to better aid the cultivation of more Self- confidence, Self-awareness, and Self-love; I am committed to this journey whole heartedly. Even for the not so fun and light hearted parts, I am here to support you and cultivate a community where we can come together and draw strength and inspiration from one another.
Spring Into Self-Love Practice
It is also important that we are taking the time this season to understand and sit with our emotions. It’s not only an important part of Self-Love practice but also of our mental health and well-being. Are we addressing self-limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and actively reframing our thoughts? Are we using our coping skills and managing stress accordingly? How about maintaining our boundaries within our various relationships? If not it’s ok Babes, we don’t call this the Self-love journey for nothing! Remember to give yourself grace and forgiveness and jump right back into it. You got this love. You are a part of a welcoming, loving, and accepting community. Within this community I will be hosting an upcoming workshop & future events as well.
There are 5 lessons I like to cover during my workshops practicing Self-Love.
Commitment to the self and self-love strategy
Understanding our Emotions, mind & mental health
Limiting beliefs & Thought reframing
Coping Skills & Stress Management
Relationships and Boundaries
Going back to the topic of community, it’s so important to find the people in your life that can hold space for you and that you relate with throughout your journey. Life is tough and filled with challenges that many times are outside of our control. To have someone there to remind you that, “ it will be ok”, is such a blessing. By the same token holding space for others is equally as important. It helps get us out of our heads, plus being able to help others is so rewarding.
Practice Self-Love With A Community
We are communal beings. Since the dawn of time, people have band together for survival, religious and cultural practices, and for standing up for what they believe in. Community made it possible to accomplish these great feats and tasks. By the same token, community involvement also enriches the lives of those within their communities. I am blessed to be a part of the wonderful community of Every Body Deserves Love. A non profit centered around empowering its members to take responsibility for their well-being, in an inclusive and accessible environment.
You see I am not only a member but the founder of this beautiful organization which I made to address the issues of body image, self-love, and mental health and well being. Far too many people struggle with issues of depression, lack of self-confidence, and self-loathing. I wanted to create a place where they could come together and see that their feelings were shared and that they could be overcome together!
Invitation to practice Self-Love
I invite you as part of your self-love journey and commitment to self, to join our upcoming Beach Party fundraiser where we will be coming together as a community to celebrate people from all walks of life and all body shapes and sizes! It’s a day of so much love, light, and celebration. We will have so many lovely events throughout the day to promote self-love, confidence, and of course… COMMUNITY! Some of the events we will be hosting are my “Runway Catwalk experience”, as well as an Every Body Deserves Love program table where I will be diving deeper into the concepts the organization covers. Such concepts are Empowerment, Body Image, Discipline, and Leadership. We will also be previewing activities from our youth program that will be rolling out into the community come this fall!
I have attached a flyer for the event below. RSVP and sign up to receive one of our limited swag bags! The proceeds will go to helping us bring our youth programs and other events to local schools and businesses! Come share in the fun, meet our committee members, and add to your ever growing Self-Love journey alongside so many other Self-Love warriors!