MODELING 101: Confidence and Happiness

August 25, 2022

By alexaphelece

Have you ever seen an image online or on a social media site that just stopped you in your tracks? Not because the image was unappealing or jarring in a negative way. They were images you came across that were profoundly relatable you couldn’t help yourself from doing a little more digging! More likely than not, those images portrayed Confidence and Happiness. In today’s society, we have begun to break away from the old norms of what was once considered “a classic beauty, an ideal body type, or look”. Instead we finally have begun to celebrate diversity and relatability!

My first realization of the potential that existed in the modeling world was through the images I came across online. I discovered modeling and its potential personally for myself through Instagram specifically. It was shocking the first time I saw a curvy model online. I was in complete shock; I thought to myself, “is this real?!” There she was. This woman who looked like me, modeling clothes in an online boutique with clothes made for my body type! Of course I was happy to see this form of representation. Honestly, I was also excited to just be able to buy clothes and even boots that would fit! The more I saw these same images emerging online, the more my mind opened to the possibility of doing the same. Bringing inclusivity and diversity to the modeling world just by being my damn self!

Confidence and Happiness is ENDLESS!

Now here I am a full-time model with over six years of experience in this industry! Ladies, the opportunities waiting for you are freaking endless. As soon as I took my self-growth seriously and committed to the self-love journey my mindset was forever changed. I was truly the only person getting in my way. My limiting beliefs in my appearance kept me from a life of abundance. It kept me from pursuing a career of my wildest dreams. I was able to overcome my lack of confidence to manifest my dream job, then so can you!

Tell me… does my experience sound similar to your own? Has seeing how beauty has changed foster a curiosity for yourself? Has it helped you realize a new potential for yourself? Have you or do you dream and aim to be a Model? Do you desire to just be the best version of yourself? Are you looking to live authentically and confidently in your own beauty everyday? If, for even a second you answered yes, then it is possible to have the confidence and happiness you desire. I have the ultimate guide to help you begin to a career in modeling. The guide will help you apply confidence and authenticity to all areas of your life.
You Do Not Need To Be A Professional Model.

Are you stomping down the grocery aisle like it’s a Milan fashion show? Do you spend hours doing your make-up and hair, and taking selfies? This course is for you. You do not have to be a professional model in order to benefit from the course I’ve put together here. I will be going over how to harness CONFIDENCE and Happiness in all areas of your life.

For those of you that DO want to pursue a career in modeling… How and where to begin? How does one begin their modeling journey exactly? Well RESEARCH & EDUCATION of course! I spent hours scouring the web, taking courses and reading anything I could get my hands on related to modeling. And let me tell you LADIES, there is a lot to learn! Even though the fashion world is relatively a niche industry, there are so many forms of modeling that exist. There is Ecommerce modeling, fit modeling, modeling castings, and digital submissions just to name a few! I know it’s a lot and how does one choose? Well no fear my LOVES I got your back.
I Will Help You Find Your Niche

All my research, experience, and lessons working years in the industry have come together in my Modeling 101 course. The course is designed to help aid you in your journey to pursue a career full of confidence and happiness. Let me save you the hours of research. Let me guide you, and help you find your specific niche. To prepare you for what to expect and offer my unique perspective. Let’s take on this journey together! I want to give new and aspiring models a breakdown of everything I’ve learned in the industry. You will be equipped with the basics and then some. We will go over modeling agencies, contracts, castings, photoshoots, portfolios, types of modeling jobs and so much more! Let’s forge a path to success, confidence, and ultimate body confidence.
A Super Mom Is A Super Model (Role-Model that is)

Which brings me back to those of you just looking to live a life of Self-Expression, Authenticity, Confidence and Happiness. You lovely ladies are my “everyday models”! This woman doesn’t seek out attention but naturally gets it. She is confident and secure in her beauty and power choosing to own that everyday. I will share the practices I’ve learned in my modeling career and apply to the lifestyles of every woman. But never sell yourself short DARLINGS. Do not let your fears trick you into feelings of unattractiveness. Your fears can get in the way of making money or pursuing a promising career. From mothers to the girl next door, there really are sooo many opportunities waiting for you.
Confidence and Happiness Await YOU!

I challenge you to invest in your dreams and bring forth the innate power that all of us hold within. I am beyond excited and proud to share what my journey has helped me cultivate and manifest for myself. Are you ready to live your best damn life BABE? Sign up for Modeling 101.

Much love, light, and endless prosperity.


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