5 Things To Do When You Feel Stuck In Life

August 26, 2022

By alexaphelece

Bonjour Babes! This week’s blog is coming at you with a bit of a French flare. You see, I just got back into the states after traveling to visit a friend and mentor in the lovely countryside of western France. The beautiful sights and smells could not keep me from feeling this overwhelming darkness. The slow pace of the town and abundant greenery were amazing until thoughts and feelings of being “stuck” crept in. This blog will give you 5 tips on what to do when you feel stuck in life.
How do I feel stuck in life when I’m literally traveling and living out my dreams? Answer is, I’m not sure but I have to stay true to how I feel. You might be living your best life and all of a sudden these feelings of fear sneak up on you too.

TIP #1 – When You Feel Stuck In Life, Get Out of Your Own Way

My first tip when you’re feeling stuck is to remove yourself from your “normal”. This means travel or put yourself in a new situation. It could be as simple as taking a day off EVERYTHING and go to a local spot that is quiet and full of nature, or a museum. Some place that will excite your senses that don’t normally get excited. OR go far away. I was fortunate to choose the latter.

During this trip to France, I learned that sometimes we have to disconnect in order to reconnect to an even deeper part of ourselves. Whether we are traveling abroad or domestically, TRAVEL is a wonderful and necessary tool I use to that allows me to see myself and my life from a different perspective.
TIP #2 – Sit With Your Feelings

My second tip for you when you’re feeling stuck is to sit with these feelings. I tried so hard to avoid them but I couldn’t. While I was away and enjoying a much slower pace to life than what we lead here in the US, I couldn’t help but think about my career and purpose in this world. Usually when I think about this I feel so confident but this time I didn’t. I felt insecure about my Business Plans and felt the need to revaluate everything. This was so scary and caused me to panic. But… these feelings helped me. Sitting with these feelings allowed me to see my truth. The truth being I needed to make some changes that I couldn’t see before.
TIP #3 – Talk It Out

My third tip is to call a friend who knows who you are beyond the life you like live. This person is important because even when we lose sight of ourselves there is always that one friend who can bring us back. We all have an idea of how we would like our lives to go. From our career, to our relationships, to the mark we want to leave on this world. One moment it is so strikingly clear and then it’s like we are starting all over again. When I started to feel lost or unsure, I called a friend. It’s part of self-growth and quite frankly it’s part of evolution to experience these moments. Things never stay at a constant but a friend’s unconditional love allows the change to be less uncomfortable.
TIP #4 – Draw From Your Toolkit

When you feel you have lost your way or you’re no longer sure of the path you were on to achieve your goals, take this 4th tip into consideration. Draw from, “Your emotional wellness toolkit”. In this blog we advise to resist panicking, sit with your discomfort and thoughts by meditating, surrender to your feelings, and go with the flow. Ground yourself, give yourself reaffirming thoughts and words, “like this is normal and i’m going to be ok.”
TIP #5 – Commit To Your Deepest Truth

Lastly, I have the most important tip for you. Tip number five is to be fully committed to expressing your deepest truth even when your mind’s vision of that truth is blurry. The feeling of stuckness arises because fear was triggered within us. When the representation of something in our mind isn’t in alignment with our truth, this is when we experience that incoherence – stuckness. What really came up for me was fear based on falsity that my mind allowed for. Be committed to becoming conscious of all your mind’s programming in hopes to express your truth. Whenever we feel “not good” there is a level of falsity at play. We have to commit to being in full acceptance of ourselves and the evolution of our being. For more advice on giving yourself grace and acceptance, you can also check out my, “Practicing self-Acceptance to become your most beautiful self”blog. Whatever the tools or resources you use, remember that change is ok. Feeling lost and without direction is ok and absolutely normal and a part of life.
We all Feel Stuck In Life from time to time. Now you have the tools to get unstuck!

I share these five tips with you because many times in your journey of pursuing modeling as a career path you will encounter endless changes. You might begin your career in one particular part of the industry only to find that you have outgrown it and found another aspect that is far more intriguing. You might start out with an agency and end up as a freelance model instead. Regardless of where you start, aim to land, or what your end goal is – be ready to evolve and manage the growing pains.
Don’t give up on your ambitions, goals, and dreams and if necessary book a flight. Travel somewhere new and just go with the flow. Treat yourself, love and care for yourself. In doing so, you will once again get clear on how you want to pursue your life’s goals and like myself might even come back with a better game plan. Don’t fight it and honor those feelings, babes. Don’t let them block you from your Modeling dreams or anything else! The feelings of fear will dissolve with your ability to hold space for them. Allow them to surface over and over again so you can release them.
I hope this week’s blog inspires you to take whatever time you need for yourself, however that might look like just as long as you do it. Be sure to check out our Freebie: “5-Day Self-Love Challenge”.

Please feel free to share this blog with anyone you feel needs to hear this message and share your comments below. I would love to read your feedback and thoughts.
Till next time babes.

Au revior!

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